There are many different kinds of work related injuries and illnesses, and no job is truly exempt from some type of health detriment. More and more workplaces and public organizations are recognizing this and are reacting accordingly. Places of work which include heavy machinery and other potentially hazardous equipment continue to be the most dangerous locations, but there are hazardous workplaces out there you might not think of.

One good example is a hospital. Nurses and other health care professionals are constantly getting sick because of the job. This is not because of any chemicals in the air or lack of heat shrink sleeves on industrial tubing, but just because of the nature of the work. They work in what is essentially a giant petri dish. People get sick and come to the hospital, exposing everyone there to the sickness as well.

Teachers and other people who work with children are also very susceptible to workplace illnesses, without the benefits of additional coverage. Like nurses, teachers are in constant contact with a group of people which pass around germs like mosquitoes.

For people in those occupations, there are not a lot of places to turn to for help. The best thing for them to do is to call in sick and stay at home until they get better. It also helps to control the spread of whatever sickness they have.

If you work in an industrial setting, it can be a lot easier to find help when you get sick or injured on the job. Most factories and plants have safety boards set up, with individuals who can point you in the right direction when you do get hurt.

Let's say you get scalded working beside a boiler on the job. First, you need to seek out the on shift first aid attendant. Then, file a report with your supervisor before going home. Without that report, the WCB can do nothing to help you if you need time off.

If you are fortunate enough to belong to a union, they should help you seek payment for time lost at work due to an accident. Be prepared, though, because the process can take quite a bit of time.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025